API Reference
Implemented coins
BTC class supports lightning out of the box.
For lightning methods to work, it must be enabled from the daemon
(enabled by default and edited by BTC_LIGHTNING
environment variable).
If lightning is disabled, LightningDisabledError
is raised when
calling lightning methods.
- class bitcart.coins.btc.BTC(rpc_url: str | None = None, rpc_user: str | None = None, rpc_pass: str | None = None, xpub: str | None = None, proxy: str | None = None, session: ClientSession | None = None)
- ALLOWED_EVENTS = ['new_block', 'new_transaction', 'new_payment', 'verified_tx']
- BALANCE_ATTRS = ['confirmed', 'unconfirmed', 'unmatured', 'lightning']
- EXPIRATION_KEY = 'expiry'
- RPC_PASS = 'electrumz'
- RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:5000'
- RPC_USER = 'electrum'
- add_invoice(amount: int | str | Decimal, description: str = '', expire: int | float = 15) dict
Create a lightning invoice
Create a lightning invoice and return invoice data with bolt invoice id All parameters are the same as in add_request
>>> a.add_invoice(0.5, "My invoice", 20) {'time': 1562762334, 'amount': 50000000, 'exp': 1200, 'invoice': 'lnbc500m',...
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
amount (AmountType) – amount to open invoice
description (str, optional) – Description of invoice. Defaults to “”.
expire (Union[int, float], optional) – The time invoice will expire in. In minutes. Defaults to 15.
- Returns:
dict – Invoice data
- add_request(amount: int | str | Decimal | None = None, description: str = '', expire: int | float = 15) dict
Add invoice
Create an invoice and request amount in BTC, it will expire by parameter provided. If expire is None, it will last forever.
>>> c.add_request(0.5, "My invoice", 20) {'time': 1562762334, 'amount': 50000000, 'exp': 1200, 'address': 'xxx',...
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
amount (Optional[AmountType]) – amount to open invoice. Defaults to None.
description (str, optional) – Description of invoice. Defaults to “”.
expire (Union[int, float], optional) – The time invoice will expire in. In minutes. Defaults to 15.
- Returns:
dict – Invoice data
- additional_xpub_fields: list[str] = []
- balance() dict
Get balance of wallet
>>> c.balance() {"confirmed": 0.00005, "unconfirmed": 0, "unmatured": 0}
- Returns:
dict – It should return dict of balance statuses
- close_channel(channel_id: str, force: bool = False) str
Close lightning channel
Close channel by channel_id got from open_channel, returns transaction id
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
channel_id (str) – channel_id from open_channel
force (bool) – Create new address beyond gap limit, if no more addresses are available.
- Returns:
str – tx_id of closed channel
- coin_name: str = 'BTC'
- connect(connection_string: str) bool
Connect to lightning node
connection string must respect format pubkey@ipaddress
- Parameters:
connection_string (str) – connection string
- Returns:
bool – True on success, False otherwise
- friendly_name: str = 'Bitcoin'
- get_address(address: str) list
Get address history
This method should return list of transaction informations for specified address
>>> c.get_address("31smpLFzLnza6k8tJbVpxXiatGjiEQDmzc") [{'tx_hash': '7854bdf4c4e27276ecc1fb8d666d6799a248f5e81bdd58b16432d1ddd1d4c332', 'height': 581878, 'tx': ...
- Parameters:
address (str) – address to get transactions for
- Returns:
list – List of transactions
- get_config(key: str) Any
Get config key
Keys are stored in electrum’s config file, check
doc for details.Example:
>>> c.get_config("x") 5
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
key (str) – key to get
default (Any, optional) – The value to default to when key doesn’t exist. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
Any – value of the key or default value provided
- get_invoice(rhash: str) dict
Get lightning invoice info
Get lightning invoice information by rhash got from add_invoice
>>> c.get_invoice("e34d7fb4cda66e0760fc193496c302055d0fd960cfd982432355c8bfeecd5f33") {'is_lightning': True, 'amount_BTC': Decimal('0.5'), 'timestamp': 1619273042, 'expiry': 900, ...
- Parameters:
rhash (str) – invoice rhash
- Returns:
dict – invoice data
- get_request(address: str) dict
Get invoice info
Get invoice information by address got from add_request
>>> c.get_request("1A6jnc6xQwmhsChNLcyKAQNWPcWsVYqCqJ") {'time': 1562762334, 'amount': 50000000, 'exp': 1200, 'address': '1A6jnc6xQwmhsChNLcyKAQNWPcWsVYqCqJ',...
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
address (str) – address of invoice
- Returns:
dict – Invoice data
- get_tx(tx: str) dict
Get transaction information
Given tx hash of transaction, return full information as dictionary
>>> c.get_tx("54604b116b28124e31d2d20bbd4561e6f8398dca4b892080bffc8c87c27762ba") {'partial': False, 'version': 2, 'segwit_ser': True, 'inputs': [{'prevout_hash': 'xxxx',...
- Parameters:
tx (str) – tx_hash
- Returns:
dict – transaction info
- help() list
Get help
Returns a list of all available RPC methods
- Returns:
list – RPC methods list
- history() dict
Get transaction history of wallet
>>> c.history() {'summary': {'end_balance': '0.', 'end_date': None, 'from_height': None, 'incoming': '0.00185511',...
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
- Returns:
dict – dictionary with some data, where key transactions is list of transactions
- is_eth_based = False
- list_channels() list
List all channels ever opened
Possible channel statuses: OPENING, OPEN, CLOSED, DISCONNECTED
>>> a.server.list_channels() [{'local_htlcs': {'adds': {}, 'locked_in': {}, 'settles': {}, 'fails': {}}, 'remote_htlcs': ...
- Returns:
list – list of channels
- list_peers(gossip: bool = False) list
Get a list of lightning peers
- Parameters:
gossip (bool, optional) – Whether to return peers of a gossip (one per node) or of a wallet. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
list – list of lightning peers
- lnpay(invoice: str) bool
Pay lightning invoice
Returns True on success, False otherwise
- Parameters:
invoice (str) – invoice to pay
- Returns:
bool – success or not
- property node_id: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- open_channel(node_id: str, amount: int | str | Decimal) str
Open lightning channel
Open channel with node, returns string of format txid:output_index
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
node_id (str) – id of node to open channel with
amount (AmountType) – amount to open channel
- Returns:
str – string of format txid:output_index
- pay_to(address: str, amount: int | str | Decimal, fee: int | str | Decimal | Callable | None = None, feerate: int | str | Decimal | None = None, broadcast: bool = True) dict | str
Pay to address
This function creates a transaction, your wallet must have sufficent balance and address must exist.
>>> btc.pay_to("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt", 0.001) '608d9af34032868fd2849723a4de9ccd874a51544a7fba879a18c847e37e577b'
>>> btc.pay_to("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt",0.001, feerate=1) '23d0aec06f6ea6100ba9c6ce8a1fa5d333a6c1d39a780b5fadc4b2836d71b66f'
>>> btc.pay_to("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt", 0.001, broadcast=False) {'hex': '02000000026.....', 'complete': True, 'final': False, 'name': None, 'csv_delay': 0, 'cltv_expiry': 0}
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
address (str) – address where to send BTC
amount (AmountType) – amount of bitcoins to send
fee (Optional[Union[AmountType, Callable]], optional) – Either a fixed fee, or a callable getting size and default fee as argument and returning fee. Defaults to None.
feerate (Optional[AmountType], optional) – A sat/byte feerate, can’t be passed together with fee argument. Defaults to None.
broadcast (bool, optional) – Whether to broadcast transaction to network. Defaults to True.
- Raises:
TypeError – if you have provided both fee and feerate
- Returns:
Union[dict, str] – tx hash of ready transaction or raw transaction, depending on broadcast argument.
- pay_to_many(outputs: Iterable[dict | tuple], fee: int | str | Decimal | Callable | None = None, feerate: int | str | Decimal | None = None, broadcast: bool = True) dict | str
Pay to multiple addresses(batch transaction)
This function creates a batch transaction, your wallet must have sufficent balance and addresses must exist. outputs parameter is either an iterable of
(address, amount)
tuples(or any iterables) or a dict with two keys: address and amount{"address": "someaddress", "amount": 0.5}
>>> btc.pay_to_many([{"address":"mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt","amount":0.001}, {"address":"mv4rnyY3Su5gjcDNzbMLKBQkBicCtHUtFB","amount":0.0001}]) '60fa120d9f868a7bd03d6bbd1e225923cab0ba7a3a6b961861053c90365ed40a'
>>> btc.pay_to_many([("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt",0.001), ("mv4rnyY3Su5gjcDNzbMLKBQkBicCtHUtFB",0.0001)]) 'd80f14e20af2ceaa43a8b7e15402d420246d39e235d87874f929977fb0b1cab8'
>>> btc.pay_to_many((("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt",0.001), ("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt",0.001)), feerate=1) '0a6611876e04a6f2742eac02d4fac4c242dda154d85f0d547bbac1a33dbbbe34'
>>> btc.pay_to_many([("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt",0.001), ("mv4rnyY3Su5gjcDNzbMLKBQkBicCtHUtFB",0.0001)], broadcast=False) {'hex': '0200000...', 'complete': True, 'final': False}
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
outputs (Iterable[Union[dict, tuple]]) – An iterable with dictionary or iterable as the item
fee (Optional[Union[AmountType, Callable]], optional) – Either a fixed fee, or a callable getting size and default fee as argument and returning fee. Defaults to None.
feerate (Optional[AmountType], optional) – A sat/byte feerate, can’t be passed together with fee argument. Defaults to None.
broadcast (bool, optional) – Whether to broadcast transaction to network. Defaults to True.
- Raises:
TypeError – if you have provided both fee and feerate
- Returns:
Union[dict, str] – tx hash of ready transaction or raw transaction, depending on broadcast argument.
- poll_updates(interval: int | float = 1) None
Poll updates
Poll daemon for new transactions in wallet, this will block forever in while True loop checking for new transactions
Example can be found on main page of docs
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
interval (Union[int, float], optional) – seconds to wait before requesting transactions again. Defaults to 1.
- Returns:
None – This function runs forever
- process_updates(updates: Iterable[dict], *args: Any, pass_instance: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) None
- set_config(key: str, value: Any) bool
Set config key to specified value
It sets the config value in electrum’s config store, usually $HOME/.electrum/config
You can set any keys and values using this function(as long as JSON serializable), and some are used to configure underlying electrum daemon.
>>> c.set_config("x", 5) True
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
key (str) – key to set
value (Any) – value to set
- Returns:
bool – True on success, False otherwise
- property spec: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- start_websocket(reconnect_callback: Callable | None = None, force_connect: bool = False, auto_reconnect: bool = True) None
Start a websocket connection to daemon
- Parameters:
reconnect_callback (Optional[Callable], optional) – Callback to be called right after each succesful connection. Defaults to None.
force_connect (bool, optional) – Whether to try reconnecting even on first failure (handshake) to daemon. Defaults to False.
auto_reconnect (bool, optional) – Whether to enable auto-reconnecting on websocket closing. Defaults to True.
- validate_key(key: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) bool
Validate whether provided key is valid to restore a wallet
If the key is x/y/z pub/prv or electrum seed at the network daemon is running at, then it would be valid(True), else False
>>> c.validate_key("test") False
>>> c.validate_key("your awesome electrum seed") True
>>> c.validate_key("x/y/z pub/prv here") True
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
key (str) – key to check
- Returns:
bool – Whether the key is valid or not
- xpub_name: str = 'Xpub'
BCH supports Schnorr signatures, they are enabled out of the box
- class bitcart.coins.bch.BCH(rpc_url: str | None = None, rpc_user: str | None = None, rpc_pass: str | None = None, xpub: str | None = None, proxy: str | None = None, session: ClientSession | None = None)
- AMOUNT_FIELD = 'amount (BCH)'
- EXPIRATION_KEY = 'expiration'
- RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:5004'
- coin_name: str = 'BCH'
- friendly_name: str = 'Bitcoin Cash'
- history() dict
Get transaction history of wallet
>>> c.history() {'summary': {'end_balance': '0.', 'end_date': None, 'from_height': None, 'incoming': '0.00185511',...
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
- Returns:
dict – dictionary with some data, where key transactions is list of transactions
- property node_id: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- property spec: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
XMR support is based on our custom daemon implementation which tries to follow electrum APIs as closely as possible
- class bitcart.coins.xmr.XMR(rpc_url: str | None = None, rpc_user: str | None = None, rpc_pass: str | None = None, xpub: str | None = None, proxy: str | None = None, session: ClientSession | None = None)
- RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:5011'
- additional_xpub_fields: list[str] = ['address']
- coin_name: str = 'XMR'
- friendly_name: str = 'Monero'
- get_address(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) NoReturn
Get address history
This method should return list of transaction informations for specified address
>>> c.get_address("31smpLFzLnza6k8tJbVpxXiatGjiEQDmzc") [{'tx_hash': '7854bdf4c4e27276ecc1fb8d666d6799a248f5e81bdd58b16432d1ddd1d4c332', 'height': 581878, 'tx': ...
- Parameters:
address (str) – address to get transactions for
- Returns:
list – List of transactions
- history() dict
Get transaction history of wallet
>>> c.history() {'summary': {'end_balance': '0.', 'end_date': None, 'from_height': None, 'incoming': '0.00185511',...
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
- Returns:
dict – dictionary with some data, where key transactions is list of transactions
- property node_id: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- pay_to_many(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) NoReturn
Pay to multiple addresses(batch transaction)
This function creates a batch transaction, your wallet must have sufficent balance and addresses must exist. outputs parameter is either an iterable of
(address, amount)
tuples(or any iterables) or a dict with two keys: address and amount{"address": "someaddress", "amount": 0.5}
>>> btc.pay_to_many([{"address":"mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt","amount":0.001}, {"address":"mv4rnyY3Su5gjcDNzbMLKBQkBicCtHUtFB","amount":0.0001}]) '60fa120d9f868a7bd03d6bbd1e225923cab0ba7a3a6b961861053c90365ed40a'
>>> btc.pay_to_many([("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt",0.001), ("mv4rnyY3Su5gjcDNzbMLKBQkBicCtHUtFB",0.0001)]) 'd80f14e20af2ceaa43a8b7e15402d420246d39e235d87874f929977fb0b1cab8'
>>> btc.pay_to_many((("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt",0.001), ("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt",0.001)), feerate=1) '0a6611876e04a6f2742eac02d4fac4c242dda154d85f0d547bbac1a33dbbbe34'
>>> btc.pay_to_many([("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt",0.001), ("mv4rnyY3Su5gjcDNzbMLKBQkBicCtHUtFB",0.0001)], broadcast=False) {'hex': '0200000...', 'complete': True, 'final': False}
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
outputs (Iterable[Union[dict, tuple]]) – An iterable with dictionary or iterable as the item
fee (Optional[Union[AmountType, Callable]], optional) – Either a fixed fee, or a callable getting size and default fee as argument and returning fee. Defaults to None.
feerate (Optional[AmountType], optional) – A sat/byte feerate, can’t be passed together with fee argument. Defaults to None.
broadcast (bool, optional) – Whether to broadcast transaction to network. Defaults to True.
- Raises:
TypeError – if you have provided both fee and feerate
- Returns:
Union[dict, str] – tx hash of ready transaction or raw transaction, depending on broadcast argument.
- property spec: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- xpub_name: str = 'Secret viewkey'
ETH support is based on our custom daemon implementation which tries to follow electrum APIs as closely as possible
- class bitcart.coins.eth.ETH(rpc_url: str | None = None, rpc_user: str | None = None, rpc_pass: str | None = None, xpub: str | None = None, proxy: str | None = None, session: ClientSession | None = None)
- ALLOWED_EVENTS = ['new_block', 'new_transaction', 'new_payment']
- EXPIRATION_KEY = 'expiration'
- RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:5002'
- coin_name: str = 'ETH'
- friendly_name: str = 'Ethereum'
- get_address(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) NoReturn
Get address history
This method should return list of transaction informations for specified address
>>> c.get_address("31smpLFzLnza6k8tJbVpxXiatGjiEQDmzc") [{'tx_hash': '7854bdf4c4e27276ecc1fb8d666d6799a248f5e81bdd58b16432d1ddd1d4c332', 'height': 581878, 'tx': ...
- Parameters:
address (str) – address to get transactions for
- Returns:
list – List of transactions
- history() dict
Get transaction history of wallet
>>> c.history() {'summary': {'end_balance': '0.', 'end_date': None, 'from_height': None, 'incoming': '0.00185511',...
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
- Returns:
dict – dictionary with some data, where key transactions is list of transactions
- is_eth_based = True
- property node_id: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- pay_to_many(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) NoReturn
Pay to multiple addresses(batch transaction)
This function creates a batch transaction, your wallet must have sufficent balance and addresses must exist. outputs parameter is either an iterable of
(address, amount)
tuples(or any iterables) or a dict with two keys: address and amount{"address": "someaddress", "amount": 0.5}
>>> btc.pay_to_many([{"address":"mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt","amount":0.001}, {"address":"mv4rnyY3Su5gjcDNzbMLKBQkBicCtHUtFB","amount":0.0001}]) '60fa120d9f868a7bd03d6bbd1e225923cab0ba7a3a6b961861053c90365ed40a'
>>> btc.pay_to_many([("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt",0.001), ("mv4rnyY3Su5gjcDNzbMLKBQkBicCtHUtFB",0.0001)]) 'd80f14e20af2ceaa43a8b7e15402d420246d39e235d87874f929977fb0b1cab8'
>>> btc.pay_to_many((("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt",0.001), ("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt",0.001)), feerate=1) '0a6611876e04a6f2742eac02d4fac4c242dda154d85f0d547bbac1a33dbbbe34'
>>> btc.pay_to_many([("mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt",0.001), ("mv4rnyY3Su5gjcDNzbMLKBQkBicCtHUtFB",0.0001)], broadcast=False) {'hex': '0200000...', 'complete': True, 'final': False}
- Parameters:
self (BTC) – self
outputs (Iterable[Union[dict, tuple]]) – An iterable with dictionary or iterable as the item
fee (Optional[Union[AmountType, Callable]], optional) – Either a fixed fee, or a callable getting size and default fee as argument and returning fee. Defaults to None.
feerate (Optional[AmountType], optional) – A sat/byte feerate, can’t be passed together with fee argument. Defaults to None.
broadcast (bool, optional) – Whether to broadcast transaction to network. Defaults to True.
- Raises:
TypeError – if you have provided both fee and feerate
- Returns:
Union[dict, str] – tx hash of ready transaction or raw transaction, depending on broadcast argument.
- property spec: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- xpub_name: str = 'Address'
BNB support is based on our custom daemon implementation which tries to follow electrum APIs as closely as possible
- class bitcart.coins.bnb.BNB(rpc_url: str | None = None, rpc_user: str | None = None, rpc_pass: str | None = None, xpub: str | None = None, proxy: str | None = None, session: ClientSession | None = None)
- RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:5006'
- coin_name: str = 'BNB'
- friendly_name: str = 'Binance Smart Chain'
- property node_id: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- property spec: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
SmartBCH support is based on our custom daemon implementation which tries to follow electrum APIs as closely as possible
- class bitcart.coins.sbch.SBCH(rpc_url: str | None = None, rpc_user: str | None = None, rpc_pass: str | None = None, xpub: str | None = None, proxy: str | None = None, session: ClientSession | None = None)
- RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:5007'
- coin_name: str = 'SBCH'
- friendly_name: str = 'Smart Bitcoin Cash'
- property node_id: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- property spec: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Polygon (MATIC)
Polygon (MATIC) support is based on our custom daemon implementation which tries to follow electrum APIs as closely as possible
- class bitcart.coins.matic.MATIC(rpc_url: str | None = None, rpc_user: str | None = None, rpc_pass: str | None = None, xpub: str | None = None, proxy: str | None = None, session: ClientSession | None = None)
- RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:5008'
- coin_name: str = 'MATIC'
- friendly_name: str = 'Polygon'
- property node_id: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- property spec: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
TRON (TRX) support is based on our custom daemon implementation which tries to follow electrum APIs as closely as possible
- class bitcart.coins.trx.TRX(rpc_url: str | None = None, rpc_user: str | None = None, rpc_pass: str | None = None, xpub: str | None = None, proxy: str | None = None, session: ClientSession | None = None)
- RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:5009'
- coin_name: str = 'TRX'
- friendly_name: str = 'Tron'
- property node_id: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- property spec: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
XRG supports Schnorr signatures, they are enabled out of the box
- class bitcart.coins.xrg.XRG(rpc_url: str | None = None, rpc_user: str | None = None, rpc_pass: str | None = None, xpub: str | None = None, proxy: str | None = None, session: ClientSession | None = None)
- AMOUNT_FIELD = 'amount (XRG)'
- RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:5005'
- coin_name: str = 'XRG'
- friendly_name: str = 'Ergon'
- property node_id: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- property spec: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
LTC class supports lightning out of the box.
For lightning methods to work, it must be enabled from the daemon
(enabled by default and edited by LTC_LIGHTNING
environment variable).
If lightning is disabled, LightningDisabledError
is raised when
calling lightning methods.
- class bitcart.coins.ltc.LTC(rpc_url: str | None = None, rpc_user: str | None = None, rpc_pass: str | None = None, xpub: str | None = None, proxy: str | None = None, session: ClientSession | None = None)
- RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:5001'
- coin_name: str = 'LTC'
- friendly_name: str = 'Litecoin'
- property node_id: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- property spec: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
BSTY class supports lightning out of the box.
For lightning methods to work, it must be enabled from the daemon
(enabled by default and edited by BSTY_LIGHTNING
environment variable).
If lightning is disabled, LightningDisabledError
is raised when
calling lightning methods.
- class bitcart.coins.bsty.BSTY(rpc_url: str | None = None, rpc_user: str | None = None, rpc_pass: str | None = None, xpub: str | None = None, proxy: str | None = None, session: ClientSession | None = None)
- RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:5003'
- coin_name: str = 'BSTY'
- friendly_name: str = 'GlobalBoost'
- property node_id: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- property spec: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
GRS class supports lightning out of the box.
For lightning methods to work, it must be enabled from the daemon
(enabled by default and edited by GRS_LIGHTNING
environment variable).
If lightning is disabled, LightningDisabledError
is raised when
calling lightning methods.
- class bitcart.coins.grs.GRS(rpc_url: str | None = None, rpc_user: str | None = None, rpc_pass: str | None = None, xpub: str | None = None, proxy: str | None = None, session: ClientSession | None = None)
- RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:5010'
- coin_name: str = 'GRS'
- friendly_name: str = 'Groestlcoin'
- property node_id: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- property spec: Any
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
- bitcart.utils.bitcoins(amount: int) Decimal
Convert amount from satoshis to bitcoins
- Parameters:
amount (int) – amount in satoshis
- Returns:
Decimal – amount in bitcoins
- async bitcart.utils.call_universal(func: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) Any
Call a function: async or sync one. All passed arguments are passed to the function too
- Parameters:
func (Callable) – a function to call: either sync or async one
- Returns:
Any – function execution result
- bitcart.utils.convert_amount_type(amount: str | Decimal) Decimal
Convert amount from str to Decimal
- Parameters:
amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – amount
- Returns:
- bitcart.utils.json_encode(obj: Any) Any
json.dumps supporting Decimals
- Parameters:
obj (Any) – any object
- Returns:
Any – return value of json.dumps
- bitcart.utils.satoshis(amount: str | Decimal) int
Convert amount from bitcoins to satoshis
- Parameters:
amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – bitcoin amount
- Returns:
int – same amount in satoshis