APIManager provides an easy-to-use interface to manage multiple wallets/currencies.
Create APIManager like so:
manager = APIManager({"BTC": ["xpub1", "xpub2"], "currency2": ["xpub1", "xpub3"]})
This will load all specified wallets to the manager.
Accessing wallets
You can access wallets in a manager like so:
manager.BTC.xpub1 # access wallet <=> BTC(xpub="xpub1")
# or
manager["BTC"]["xpub1"] # same wallet, but via dict-like interface
manager["currency2"]["xpub3"] # <=> currency2(xpub="xpub3")
manager.BTC[xpub].balance() # <=> BTC(xpub=xpub).balance()
Adding new wallets to existing manager
manager.add_wallet("BTC", "xpub3") # adds wallet to currency BTC with xpub="xpub3"
manager.add_wallets("currency2", ["xpub1", "xpub2"]) # batch add
Coin objects creation utilities
manager.load_wallet("currency", "xpub") # returns currency(xpub=xpub)
manager.load_wallets("currency", ["xpub1", "xpub2"]) # returns a dict of xpub-currency(xpub=xpub)
Listening for updates on all wallets in a manager
You can register event handlers like you did before, on individual coin instances, or globally on manager object.
def handler(instance, event, tx):
pass # instance is coin instance currently processing the event
To start connection to websocket, run: